Planning Ahead? Relax, take a step back… Take it day by day!

I’m sure many of you plan ahead in time, like planning where you want to study, what you want to study, what job you want to get, what house you want, what neighbourhood you want to stay in, etc. Basically planning out your whole life (okay, maybe only half of it).

I’m like that. Ever since I can remember, I’ve had a plan with my life. I knew exactly what I wanted to do, when I wanted to do it and how I was going to get it done. The sad truth is that it doesn’t always work out the way you want it to. Your plans can’t always be successful because life isn’t all lemons.

As many of you know, I’ve always dreamed of being an actress, one day winning an Oscar even! Big dreams, I know. But there are steps. In high school, I planned that I would study acting, obtain my Bachelors Degree, apply overseas and head on out to fulfil my dream. Even starting out locally right after university would’ve been a great start.

Has that happened? Well, not exactly… You try to get a contract with an agency, but of course most agents locally have either not responded to my application at all or I’ve been told I’m not in the right category to be accepted.  Now, that doesn’t really help with my plan to get experience, does it?

It’s been 3 years now, every few months I would hand in applications but to no avail. I’ve hit rock bottom, many times before but they always say that when you fall, you get up stronger than before. Very true words, I must say.  In these past 3 years, I’ve been confused, hit rock bottom, broken down and picked myself up again and through it all I’ve decided that from now on, I want to take like day by day… because your plans don’t always work out the way you want it to.

Taking life day by day has been a lot better. I’ve been studying something completely different, and also gaining extra skills in my field of expertise as well.

One day, I was given the opportunity to gain more experience in my field of expertise, but behind the scenes. I don’t regret it one bit, because I get to know what happens in the pre-process and finally getting an opportunity to show my skills meant a lot to me.

So, take it day by day. You can plan ahead but not to the smallest T. Taking it day by day doesn’t mean you’re lost, it doesn’t mean you don’t know what you want to do with your life. When you take it day by day, you’re just saying, “Let’s see what life has to offer me today”.