Don’t Lose Sight of your Dream

It’s been a while since I’ve posted. A little over six months to be exact.

Over the past couple of months, life has gotten in the way. With the Covid-19 pandemic, we have all fallen prey of fear and worry. We fear that we won’t be able to live a normal life anymore, we fear for our families, for our own well-being. We fear that we won’t be able to achieve our dreams because we don’t know what the outcome will be.

Even though the whole world is on hold at this moment, wondering what six months from now would be like. Don’t lose sight of your Dream. Just because we are stuck in this moment and in this difficult time and circumstances does not mean that we cannot work on our dream, work on ourselves.

I still dream every day. I wonder what it would’ve been like if I had fulfilled that dream by this time and in this time. Would it be different? Would I be alone? At the moment, I am still where I’ve always been, busy working on my dream but every door closing on me. However, I’ve taken this time to not just work on my dream day by day, but to appreciate what I have and appreciate everything that’s done for me. To appreciate what I’ve done to accomplish my dream so far and the path that I’m busy taking. It’s not easy, it never is. I keep thinking that I’ll never be able to achieve my dream. The Universe says, “Not right now. Take a step back and be grateful.” Be grateful of what you have and what you’ve accomplished. There is a reason for this moment, there is a reason that your dream hasn’t been accomplished. But that doesn’t mean that you should stop working on it in isolation. Work on small things every day.

I am grateful that I have my family at this moment, everything that they have done for me. I am grateful that I’ve accomplished my studies and am working hard to complete the rest every single day, focusing on my study duties. Someday, my dream will come true and when that day comes, these times will be remembered, and lost, not forgotten. In this time, I have stayed strong. In this time, you have stayed strong. You grew, you worked hard and you got there. The future isn’t lost, it is simply unknown. Go further into that unknown, for it will lead you to your future and eventually your Dream.