Changing Career Paths

This is coming up a lot, I know, but it’s one of the main things happening in my life right now – Dreams. You know that dream job you’ve wanted ever since you were a kid? Then you go onto college and maybe study towards it… or not? After college, you try to get that dream job of yours and things don’t work out so you decide to change careers entirely? Yeah, it sucks. Well, sometimes…

I’m in that position right now. As you all know, I’ve always dreamed of being an actress and we’ll all come to terms that it’s almost impossible if you have no connections whatsoever. So it’s taken me a while to figure this out, but I finally have a Plan B. I actually wish I had set this plan in motion years ago but life is but a journey with lessons that you have to learn. You may not always understand why but that’s life.

If I can’t do what I’ve always wanted to, I decided to take a step back and think about other things I’m interested in and immediately decided that I want to help people, I want to become this because I can relate. When I was younger, it felt as if nobody would listen to me, as if nobody understood me or my situation. So that is where I thought of the perfect career path – Psychology. Psychology? Yes, I know It’s a long way to go, but hey, if you want something, go for it. No matter how hard or long it takes.

Yes, changing career paths are hard and challenging but who isn’t up for a challenge? I sure am, to prove to myself that I can do it once again. I recently watched a Youtube video that said that one shouldn’t follow your passion but instead take it with you as. Who knows, it could be useful. Another recent comment I’ve heard, “Wise choice for Psychology. But never forget your first choice.” Wise words, I’d say.


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