This is it, this is me and my blog!

Sometimes it’s quite hard to describe who you are. But this is it, this is me and my blog of all the topics I’d like to cover and that I find are important to me. Down to the point, I am passionate about acting and I am determined to fulfil my dream in life. Dreams… What a topic to cover, there’s gonna be a lot of that on here! Having a dream doesn’t mean that I’m not realistic, it just means that I’m an opportunist and through hard work and dedication I believe that all dreams are possible, no matter how big or impossible it may seem.

When you’re a kid, you dream of being a princess or a fire fighter or a police officer. As you grow older, those dreams may not change or they may. You dream of becoming a lawyer, a pilot, a flight attendant travelling the world (the world you’ve always wanted to explore), a doctor, owning numerous amounts of businesses and of course, an actor!

Everyone should dream, but not just dream, to turn that dream into a reality.

You can do it! It doesn’t matter if anyone tells you differently, it doesn’t matter if nobody believes in you (most people laugh at you because they think it’s ridiculous!) I say “Bring it on!”. As long as you believe in yourself, that’s the only thing that matters. You can be great and you can achieve your dreams!


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